3+ Best CRM Software for Hotels 2023 (Ranked)

What is more interesting to note is that CRMs are not only adopted by large and medium enterprises but also by small and micro enterprises. CRMs have gained usability in most of the industries.

One such example of such is the hotel industry. After Covid hotels too have been increasingly dependent on technology for their operations – whether it be demand forecasting, algorithm dynamic pricing and customer relationship.

We have compiled the list of the list of best CRM software for hotels and hospitality industry. In a world where customer expectations are increasing and evolving CRMs have stepped in to help enterprises streamline, automate and improve their customer experience.

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CRM Advantages

There are host of CRM options available for hotel industry. In this article we will be reviewing among the best CRM software for hotels.

Why to use CRM for Hotels/Hospitality?

  • Personalized Engagement with Guests – By using CRMs hotels can create experiences that are unique to each guest. CRMs helps hoteliers build better relationships with guests through features such as personalized welcome emails, recommending special amenities based on past stays, and offering exclusive deals. This personal touch not only makes guests happier, but it also makes it more likely to generate a positive word of mouth for that hotel.
  • Marketing campaigns that run themselves – Imagine that when a guest checks out, they get an email from the hotel giving them a discount on their next stay. Or giving personalized offers to guests who have shown interest in certain amenities but haven’t booked yet. These targeted ads, which are based on how guests act and what they like, have the potential to increase conversion rates by a lot. The staff at a hotel can make complicated marketing systems that walk potential guests through the booking process and make sure that no chance is missed.
  • Lead Management That Works – For hotels, good lead management can be the difference between rooms that are empty and rooms that are full. The contact management system in CRMs is good at getting leads from direct questions, website visits, or social media interactions and putting them into groups. This tool lets hotels stay in touch with potential guests by building relationships. With automated follow-ups and quick replies, leads are less likely to get forfeited leading to increased bookings and revenue.
  • Simple and Easy to Book – The integration features of CRM make it possible to give people a smooth booking experience. The CRM can ensure that guests have a smooth booking journey. It can also be used to set up appointments for services like spa treatments or restaurant bookings. A user-friendly interface makes it easier for guests to complete their plans, which decreases the chance that they will cancel and, in the end, increases conversion rates.
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Best CRM for Hotels

What is the best CRM software for hotels?


1. Genoo

Genoo is a marketing software that you can leverage to automate marketing. Through Genoo you can create landing pages, design email campaigns and capture leads.

Using Genoo you create landing pages and forms for collection leads to name a few.

Today for hotels feedback has more become important than ever. Using Genoo you create survey forms, feedback forms and store such forms in the database.

You can later analyze the response of customers and tailor the experience to provide improved experience.

Key Features

  • Email Marketing – Get the best of leads for your hotel through email marketing. Track and optimize your bounce rates, low converting emails to generate better quality leads without being “spammy”.
  • Lead Generation and Management -You can handle a large number of leads in a single database. This does help in keeping track from marketing efforts to site visits, downloads, page views, and more. Using custom fields you can build the information tailored for your needs. This information can then be used to cause actions like sending a particular email or sequencing or categorizing leads based on different factors. E.g. – categorizing leads based on their email click through rate.
  • Analytics – Email campaign reports provide comprehensive metrics for email marketing campaigns, including opens, clickthroughs, and opt-out information. Using the Leads Overview Dashboard you can view information on reachable and engaged leads. Conversion point tracking helps track conversions and leads enabling users to manage, monitor, and improve results.
  • Integrations – It integrates with Zapier offering drag and drop integrations with various applications like Sugar CRM, Zoho CRM, and Highrise. Genoo has a marketing automation plugin for WordPress. It allows for creating landing pages, surveys, assessments, and CTAs in WordPress admin.

Genoo Pricing

Genoo Pricing,
  • Standard Plan – $199 per month
  • Premium Plan – $599 per month
  • Elite Plan – $1495 per month


Genoo is a great option to those who are looking to increase their email conversion rates. It has wide range of integrations that provide a seamless workflow.

2. Keap


Keap CRM, which used to be called Infusionsoft, is a cloud-based software tool that helps businesses manage their sales, marketing, and customer interactions all in one place.

Keap CRM was made to help businesses automate, organize, and improve their contacts with customers.


  • Leads Tracking – The platform makes it easier to follow leads through the different steps of the sales process by making it easier to see and manage sales pipelines. Using this tool teams can spot bottlenecks and make changes to their strategies to improve conversion rates.
  • Contact Management – The most important part of Keap CRM is its contact management system, which lets users collect and sort information about leads and customers. It has segmentation options that let businesses put contacts into groups based on things like their behavior, interests, and level of involvement.
  • Appointment Scheduling – Keap CRM has a built-in tool for scheduling appointments, so clients can book them straight from emails or websites. This feature is particularly useful for hotels providing spa services or any other extra value add services.
  • Automated Marketing – This is done automatically is one of the best things about Keap CRM. Users can make personalized email campaigns, plan follow-ups, and set up automatic responses based on how customers connect with them.


  • User-Friendly Interface – The interface is easy to use for people with different levels of technical knowledge making it easy for teams to accept and use.
  • Customization – Keap CRM can be changed to meet the specific needs of each business. This includes adding custom fields and automating certain processes.
  • Single Platform – The multifunctional method of Keap CRM combines contact management, marketing automation, and sales tracking into a single platform, which means you don’t need as many tools.
  • Automation – Marketing automation and job automation save time by getting rid of manual processes. This lets teams focus on more important tasks.
  • Communications – Keap makes connecting easier for customers and businesses through personalized marketing efforts leading to higher rates of engagement and sales.


  • Scalability – Keap CRM works well for small and medium-sized businesses, but bigger businesses with more complex CRM needs might find that it doesn’t do as much as they need it to.
  • Integrations – Keap CRM has choices for integration, but integrating it with some third-party apps or systems may require technical knowledge.

Wrap Up

Keap is a solid CRM offering that aims to automate repetitive tasks and thus help improve revenue.

3. For-Sight


  • Seamless Lead Management – Sometimes guests express interest but don’t book immediately. For-Sight CRM tracks these leads, making it easier for hotel staff to follow up and guide potential guests towards confirming their reservations. This persistence can turn hesitant leads into enthusiastic guests.
  • Engagement – For-Sight CRM empowers hotel staff to create a tailored experience for each guest. By keeping track of guest preferences and behaviors, you can personalize communications and offers. Imagine welcoming a returning guest with their favorite amenities or sending them a special offer for their next stay.
  • Effortless Booking – Through For-Sight CRM’s integration with hotel’s website, guests can make reservations with ease reducing the chances of abandoned bookings and increasing successful reservations.
  • Smart Marketing – With For-Sight CRM, your marketing campaigns become smarter and more effective. Set up automatic follow-up emails after guests check out, presenting them with exclusive deals for their next visit. This strategic approach ensures no opportunity slips through converting any leads.


  • Efficient Follow-Ups – The system prompts hotel staff to follow up with leads or guests ensuring no potential opportunity goes unnoticed.
  • Smooth Booking Experience – By integrating seamlessly with your website, For-Sight CRM makes the booking process hassle-free, reducing the likelihood of potential guests abandoning reservations.
  • Communications – Customizing messages and offers based on guest behavior means your hotel delivers relevant content at the right time, fostering stronger guest connections.
  • Automation – The CRM handles repetitive tasks, such as sending follow-up emails and reminders. This allows hotel staff to dedicate more time to creating remarkable guest experiences.
  • Interface – For-Sight CRM is designed for simplicity, ensuring that hotel staff can easily navigate and utilize its features without extensive training.


  • Integrations Expertise – Integrating with other systems might require some technical knowledge.
  • Advanced Reporting Limitation – The reporting features are solid, but they might not cater to very complex analyses that some hotels might require.

Wrap Up

For-Sight is a CRM specialized for hotels and hospitality industry. The features if leveraged optimally help in increasing booking rates and generate more sales.


These are the CRM software you can consider for your hospitality business. Other CRMs you can include – Revinate,Workbooks, Frshdesk, ClickPoint, Kommo, Pipedrive, HubSpot CRM, Creatio CRM, Vymo, Copper and SuperOffice CRM.

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Jason is an email and automation expert with over 7+ years of experience. He has worked with several SaaS companies to help them scale their revenue. Jason's first love is mountains.

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